This article sets out a few practical recipes for data transformations with (life) insurance data.
This article considers common data transforms, summary stats, and simple visualisations with (life) insurance data.
See link above to GitHub repository which has the detailed code.
A list of packages used in the recipes.
library(rmdformats) # theme for the HTML doc
library(bookdown) # bibliography formatting
library(kableExtra) # formatting tables
library(scales) # data formatting
library(dplyr) # tidyverse: data manipulation
library(tidyr) # tidyverse: tidy messy data
library(corrplot) # correlation matrix visualisation, optional
library(ggplot2) # tidyverse: graphs
library(pdp) # tidyverse: arranging plots
library(GGally) # tidyverse: extension of ggplot2
library(ggthemes) # tidyverse: additional themes for ggplot, optional
library(plotly) # graphs, including 3D
library(caret) # sampling techniques
library(broom) # tidyverse: visualising statistical objects
library(pROC) # visualising ROC curves
library(lmtest) # tests for regression models
# packages below have some interaction with earlier packages, not always needed
library(arm) # binned residual plot
library(msme) # statistical tests, pearson dispersion
library(MASS) # statistics
A few books and articles of interest:
This section sets out a method for generating dummy data. The simulated data is intended to reflect typical data used in an analysis of disability income incidence experience and is used throughout this analysis. Replace this data with your actual data.
More detail on the techniques used can be found in the section on data manipulation.
We start by simulating a mix of 200k policies over 3 years. Some simplifying assumptions e.g. nil lapse/ new bus (no allowance for part years of exposure), no indexation. Mix of business assumptions for benefit period, waiting period and occupation taken taken from (James Louw 2012), with the remainder based on an anecdotal view of industry mix not intended to be reflective of any one business.
# set the seed value (for the random number generator) so that the simulated data frame can be replicated later
# create 200k policies
n <- 200000
# data frame columns
# policy_year skewed to early years, but tail is fat
df <- data.frame(id = c(1:n), cal_year = 2018,policy_year = round(rweibull(n, scale=5, shape=2),0))
df <- df %>% mutate(sex = replicate(n,sample(c("m","f","u"), size=1, replace=TRUE, prob=c(.75,.20,.05))),
smoker = replicate(n,sample(c("n","s","u"), size=1, replace=TRUE, prob=c(.85,.1,.05))),
# mix of business for benefit_period, waiting_period, occupation taken from industry presentation
benefit_period = replicate(n,sample(c("a65","2yr","5yr"), size=1, replace=TRUE, prob=c(.76,.12,.12))),
waiting_period = replicate(n,sample(c("14d","30d","90d","720d"), size=1, replace=TRUE, prob=c(.04,.7,.15,.11))),
occupation = replicate(n,sample(c("prof","sed","techn","blue","white"), size=1, replace=TRUE, prob=c(.4,.2,.2,.1,.1))),
# age and policy year correlated; age normally distributed around 40 + policy_year (where policy_year is distributed around 5 years), floored at 25, capped at 60
age = round(pmax(pmin(rnorm(n,mean = 40+policy_year, sd = 5),60),25),0),
# sum_assured, age and occupation are correlated; sum assured normally distributed around some mean (dependent on age rounded to 10 and on occupation), floored at 500
sum_assured =
rnorm(n,mean = (round(age,-1)*100+ 1000) *
case_when(occupation %in% c("white","prof") ~ 1.5, occupation %in% c("sed") ~ 1.3 , TRUE ~ 1),
sd = 2000),500),
# generate 3 years of exposure for the 200k policies => assume no lapses or new business
df2 <- df %>% mutate(cal_year=cal_year+1,policy_year=policy_year+1,age=age+1)
df3 <- df2 %>% mutate(cal_year=cal_year+1,policy_year=policy_year+1,age=age+1)
df <- rbind(df,df2,df3)
Set p values from which to simulate claims. The crude p values below were derived from the Society of Actuaries Analysis of USA Individual Disability Claim Incidence Experience from 2006 to 2014 (SOA 2019), with some allowance for Australian industry differentials (Ian Welch 2020).
# by cause, age and sex, based upon polynomials fitted to crude actual rates
# sickness
f_sick_age_m <- function(age) {-0.0000003*age^3 + 0.000047*age^2 - 0.00203*age + 0.02715}
f_sick_age_f <- function(age) {-0.0000002*age^3 + 0.000026*age^2 - 0.00107*age + 0.01550}
f_sick_age_u <- function(age) {f_sick_age_f(age)*1.2}
f_sick_age <- function(age,sex) {case_when(sex == "m" ~ f_sick_age_m(age), sex == "f" ~ f_sick_age_f(age), sex == "u" ~ f_sick_age_u(age))}
# accident
f_acc_age_m <- function(age) {-0.00000002*age^3 + 0.000004*age^2 - 0.00020*age + 0.00340}
f_acc_age_f <- function(age) {-0.00000004*age^3 + 0.000007*age^2 - 0.00027*age + 0.00374}
f_acc_age_u <- function(age) {f_sick_age_f(age)*1.2}
f_acc_age <- function(age,sex) {case_when(sex == "m" ~ f_acc_age_m(age), sex == "f" ~ f_acc_age_f(age), sex == "u" ~ f_acc_age_u(age))}
# smoker, wp and occ based upon ratio of crude actual rates by category
# occupation adjustment informed by FSC commentary on DI incidence experience
f_smoker <- function(smoker) {case_when(smoker == "n" ~ 1, smoker == "s" ~ 1.45, smoker == "u" ~ 0.9)}
f_wp <- function(waiting_period) {case_when(waiting_period == "14d" ~ 1.4, waiting_period == "30d" ~ 1, waiting_period == "90d" ~ 0.3, waiting_period == "720d" ~ 0.2)}
f_occ_sick <- function(occupation) {case_when(occupation == "prof" ~ 1, occupation == "sed" ~ 1, occupation == "techn" ~ 1, occupation == "blue" ~ 1, occupation == "white" ~ 1)}
f_occ_acc <- function(occupation) {case_when(occupation == "prof" ~ 1, occupation == "sed" ~ 1, occupation == "techn" ~ 4.5, occupation == "blue" ~ 4.5, occupation == "white" ~ 1)}
# anecdotal allowance for higher rates at larger policy size and for older policies
f_sa_sick <- function(sum_assured) {case_when(sum_assured<=6000 ~ 1, sum_assured>6000 & sum_assured<=10000 ~ 1.1, sum_assured>10000 ~ 1.3)}
f_sa_acc <- function(sum_assured) {case_when(sum_assured<=6000 ~ 1, sum_assured>6000 & sum_assured<=10000 ~ 1, sum_assured>10000 ~ 1)}
f_pol_yr_sick <- function(policy_year) {case_when(policy_year<=5 ~ 1, policy_year>5 & policy_year<=10 ~ 1.1, policy_year>10 ~ 1.3)}
f_pol_yr_acc <- function(policy_year) {case_when(policy_year<=5 ~ 1, policy_year>5 & policy_year<=10 ~ 1, policy_year>10 ~ 1)}
Add the crude p values to the data and simulate 1 draw from a binomial with prob = p for each record. Gives us a vector of claim/no-claim for each policy. Some simplifying assumptions like independence of sample across years for each policy and independence of accident and sickness incidences.
# add crude expected
# add prediction
df$inc_count_sick = sapply(df$inc_sick_expected,function(z){rbinom(1,1,z)})
df$inc_count_acc = sapply(df$inc_acc_expected,function(z){rbinom(1,1,z)})*(1-df$inc_count_sick)
df$inc_count_tot = df$inc_count_sick + df$inc_count_acc
# add amounts prediction
df$inc_amount_sick = df$inc_count_sick * df$sum_assured
df$inc_amount_acc = df$inc_count_acc * df$sum_assured
df$inc_amount_tot = df$inc_count_tot * df$sum_assured
The data generated above are records for each individual policy, however data like this is often grouped as it is easier to store and computation is easier (Piet de Jong, Gillian Z. Heller 2008, p49, 105). Later we will consider the differences between a model on ungrouped vs grouped data.
# group data (see section on data manipulation below)
df_grp <- df %>% group_by(cal_year, policy_year, sex, smoker, benefit_period, waiting_period, occupation, age) %>%
summarise(sum_assured=sum(sum_assured),inc_count_sick_exp=sum(inc_sick_expected),inc_count_acc_exp=sum(inc_acc_expected), inc_count_sick=sum(inc_count_sick),inc_count_acc=sum(inc_count_acc),inc_count_tot=sum(inc_count_tot),inc_amount_sick=sum(inc_amount_sick),inc_amount_acc=sum(inc_amount_acc),inc_amount_tot=sum(inc_amount_tot), exposure=n(),.groups = 'drop')
Check that the exposure for the grouped data is the same as the total on ungrouped:
# check count - same as total row count of the main df
[1] 600000
And that the number of rows of data are significantly lower:
# number of rows of the grouped data is significantly lower
[1] 109590
The sections below rely heavily upon the dplyr package.
Looking at the metadata for the data frame and a sample of the contents.glimpse() or str() returns detail on the structure of the data frame. Our data consists of 600k rows and 15 columns. The columns are policy ID, several explanatory variables like sex and smoker, expected counts of claim (inc_sick_expected and inc_acc_expected) and actual counts of claim (inc_count_sick/acc/tot).
Rows: 600,000
Columns: 18
$ id <int> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,…
$ cal_year <dbl> 2018, 2018, 2018, 2018, 2018, 2018, 2018, …
$ policy_year <dbl> 4, 5, 5, 3, 8, 6, 6, 6, 3, 5, 3, 4, 7, 4, …
$ sex <chr> "m", "f", "m", "m", "f", "f", "m", "m", "m…
$ smoker <chr> "n", "n", "n", "n", "n", "n", "n", "n", "s…
$ benefit_period <chr> "a65", "5yr", "a65", "a65", "a65", "2yr", …
$ waiting_period <chr> "90d", "30d", "30d", "30d", "30d", "14d", …
$ occupation <chr> "techn", "blue", "blue", "prof", "sed", "p…
$ age <dbl> 41, 46, 41, 27, 53, 49, 54, 42, 43, 52, 36…
$ sum_assured <dbl> 7119, 5582, 6113, 5147, 8864, 11209, 6378,…
$ inc_sick_expected <dbl> 0.000742731, 0.001828800, 0.002475770, 0.0…
$ inc_acc_expected <dbl> 0.0007365330, 0.0100735200, 0.0024551100, …
$ inc_count_sick <int> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, …
$ inc_count_acc <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, …
$ inc_count_tot <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, …
$ inc_amount_sick <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, …
$ inc_amount_acc <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, …
$ inc_amount_tot <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, …
head() returns the first 6 rows of the data frame. Similar to head(), sample_n() returns rows from our data frame, however these are chosen randomly. e.g. sample_n(df,5,replace=FALSE)
id cal_year policy_year sex smoker benefit_period waiting_period
1 1 2018 4 m n a65 90d
2 2 2018 5 f n 5yr 30d
3 3 2018 5 m n a65 30d
4 4 2018 3 m n a65 30d
5 5 2018 8 f n a65 30d
6 6 2018 6 f n 2yr 14d
occupation age sum_assured inc_sick_expected inc_acc_expected
1 techn 41 7119 0.000742731 0.000736533
2 blue 46 5582 0.001828800 0.010073520
3 blue 41 6113 0.002475770 0.002455110
4 prof 27 5147 0.000698100 0.000522340
5 sed 53 8864 0.002478806 0.003137920
6 prof 49 11209 0.003936332 0.003655456
inc_count_sick inc_count_acc inc_count_tot inc_amount_sick
1 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0
inc_amount_acc inc_amount_tot
1 0 0
2 0 0
3 0 0
4 0 0
5 0 0
6 0 0
# class() returns the class of a column.
[1] "character"
From the above you’ll note that the categorical columns are stored as characters. Factorising these makes them easier to work with in our models e.g. for BP factorise a65|2yr|5yr as 1|2|3. Factors are stored as integers and have labels that tell us what they are, they can be ordered and are useful for statistical analysis.
table() returns a table of counts at each combination of column values. prop.table() converts these to a proportion. For example, applying this to the column “sex” shows us that ~75% of our data is “m” and that the other data are either “f” or “u” (unknown).
f m u
120951 449487 29562
f m u
0.201585 0.749145 0.049270
We can then convert the columns to factors based upon the values of the column and ordering by frequency. Base level should be chosen such that it has sufficient observations for an intercept to be computed meaningfully.
df$sex <- factor(df$sex, levels = c("m","f","u"))
df$smoker <- factor(df$smoker, levels = c("n","s","u"))
df$benefit_period <- factor(df$benefit_period, levels = c("a65","2yr","5yr"))
df$waiting_period <- factor(df$waiting_period, labels = c("30d","14d","720d","90d"))
df$occupation <- factor(df$occupation, labels = c("prof", "sed","techn","white","blue"))
# do the same for the grouped data
df_grp$sex <- factor(df_grp$sex, levels = c("m","f","u"))
df_grp$smoker <- factor(df_grp$smoker, levels = c("n","s","u"))
df_grp$benefit_period <- factor(df_grp$benefit_period, levels = c("a65","2yr","5yr"))
df_grp$waiting_period <- factor(df_grp$waiting_period, labels = c("30d","14d","720d","90d"))
df_grp$occupation <- factor(df_grp$occupation, labels = c("prof", "sed","techn","white","blue"))
If the column is already a factor, you can extract the levels to show what order they will be used in our models
[1] "m" "f" "u"
table() is a method of summarizing data, returning a count at each combination of values in a column. sample() and sample_n() are other examples of selection methods. This section (not exhaustive) looks at a few more selection methods in dplyr.
# data subsets: e.g. select from df where age <25 or >60
subset(df, age <25 | age > 60)
# dropping columns:
# exclude columns
mycols <- names(df) %in% c("cal_year", "smoker")
new_df <- df[!mycols]
# exclude 3rd and 5th column
new_df <- df[c(-3,-5)]
# delete columns from new_df
new_df$pol_id <- NULL
# keeping columns:
# select variables by col name
mycols <- names(df) %in% c("cal_year", "smoker")
new_df <- df[!mycols]
# select 1st and 5th to 7th variables
new_df <- df[c(1,5:7)]
We might want to modify our data frame to prepare it for fitting our models. The section below looks at a few simple data manipulations. Here we also introduce the infix operator (%>%); this operator passes the argument to the left of it over to the code on the right, so df %>% “operation” passes the data frame “df” over to the operation on the right.
# create a copy of the dataframe to work from
new_df <- df
# simple manipulations
# select as in the selection methods section, but using infix
new_df %>% select(id, age) # or a range using select(1:5) or select(contains("sick")) or select(starts_with("inc")); others e.g. ends_with(), last_col(), select(-age)
# replace values in a column
replace(new_df$sex,new_df$sex=="u","m") # no infix in base r
# Rename, id to pol_id
new_df %>% rename(pol_id = id) #or (reversing the renaming)
new_df %>% select(pol_id = id)
# alter data
new_df <- new_df %>% mutate(inc_tot_expected = inc_acc_expected + inc_sick_expected) # need to assign the output back to the data frame
# transmute - select and mutate simultaneously
new_df2 <- new_df %>% transmute(id, age, birth_year = cal_year - age)
# sort
new_df %>% arrange(desc(age))
# filter
new_df %>% filter(benefit_period == "a65", age <65) # or
new_df %>% filter(benefit_period %in% c("a65","5yr"))
# aggregations
# group by, also ungroup()
new_df %>% group_by(sex) %>% # can add a mutate to group by which will aggregate only to the level specified in the group_by e.g.
mutate(sa_by_sex = sum(sum_assured)) # adds a new column with the total sum assured by sex.
# after doing this, ungroup() in order to apply future operations to all records individually
# count, sorting by most frequent and weighting by another column
new_df %>% count(sex, wt= sum_assured, sort=TRUE) # counts the number of entries for each value of sex, weighted by sum assured
# summarize takes many observations and turns them into one observation. mean(), median(), min(), max(), and n() for the size of the group
new_df %>% summarize(total = sum(sum_assured), min_age = min(age), max_age = max(age), max(inc_tot_expected))
new_df %>% group_by(sex) %>% summarise(n = n())
table(new_df$sex) # returns count by sex; no infix in base r
# outliers
new_df %>% top_n(10, inc_tot_expected) # also operates on grouped table - returns top n per group
# window functions
# lag - offset vector by 1 e.g. v <- c(1,3,6,14); so - lag(v) = NA 1 3 6
new_df %>% arrange(id,age) %>% mutate(ifelse(id==lag(id),age - lag(age),1))
By default, the regression model will exclude any observation with missing values on its predictors. Missing values can be treated as a separate category for categorical data. For missing numeric data, imputation is a potential solution. In the example below we replace missing age with an average and add an indicator to the data to flag records that have been imputed.
The tables and graphs that follow look at:
Data might need to be transformed in order to make the data more suitable to the assumptions within the model. Not considered here.
Look at distribution by single rating factors. Benefit period mix:
benefit_period n freq
1 a65 456,552 76%
2 2yr 72,159 12%
3 5yr 71,289 12%
Waiting period mix:
waiting_period n freq
1 14d 420,009 70%
2 90d 90,717 15%
3 720d 65,814 11%
4 30d 23,460 4%
Occupation mix:
occupation n freq
1 sed 240,348 40%
2 techn 120,717 20%
3 white 119,847 20%
4 blue 59,613 10%
5 prof 59,475 10%
Consider a histogram to show the distribution of numeric data.
hist(df$age, main = "Histogram of age", xlab = "Age", ylab = "Frequency")
hist(df$sum_assured, main = "Histogram of sum assured", xlab = "Sum assured", ylab = "Frequency")
hist(df$policy_year, main = "Histogram of policy year", xlab = "Policy year", ylab = "Frequency")
Consider the correlation of ordered numeric explanatory variables.
age policy_year sum_assured
age 1.0000000 0.4333434 0.2937906
policy_year 0.4333434 1.0000000 0.1249400
sum_assured 0.2937906 0.1249400 1.0000000
# corrplot() is an alternative to visualise a correlation matrix
addCoef.col = "black", # add coefficient of correlation
sig.level = 0.01, insig = "blank",
tl.col="black", # tl stands for text label
ggpairs() similarly shows correlations for ordered numeric data as well as other summary stats:
#ggpairs() similarly shows correlations for ordered numeric data as well as other summary stats
df_sample %>% select(age,policy_year,sum_assured,sex, smoker) %>%
ggpairs(columns = 1:3, aes(color = sex, alpha = 0.5),
upper = list(continuous = wrap("cor", size = 2.5)),
lower = list(continuous = "smooth"))
Review summary statistics for subsets of data.
df$age df$sum_assured
1 25 3584.319
2 26 4431.558
3 27 4735.551
4 28 5066.777
5 29 5068.259
6 30 5204.272
There are two main formats for structured data - long and wide. For regression, the structure of data informs the model structure. For counts data:
There are several tidyverse functions that can help with restructuring data, for example, convert data into wide format e.g.separate into a separate column for each value of sex:
id cal_year policy_year smoker benefit_period waiting_period
1 186530 2019 6 n a65 14d
2 89986 2020 4 n a65 14d
3 12688 2019 6 n 5yr 14d
4 16974 2019 6 s a65 14d
5 70839 2020 7 n a65 14d
6 120872 2018 4 n a65 14d
occupation age sum_assured inc_sick_expected inc_acc_expected
1 sed 45 7850 0.004401375 0.000677500
2 techn 48 8359 0.005302440 0.000804160
3 white 48 9391 0.005832684 0.003618720
4 white 49 2687 0.008345518 0.005552905
5 prof 41 3597 0.002475770 0.002455110
6 prof 46 5177 0.004021200 0.003227760
inc_count_sick inc_count_acc inc_amount_sick inc_amount_acc
1 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0
inc_amount_tot m f u
1 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0
gather() converts data into long format; # also pivot_longer() and pivot_wider().
This section sets out some simple visualisation methods using ggplot(). ggplot() Initializes a ggplot object. It can be used to declare the input data frame for a graphic and to specify the set of plot aesthetics intended to be common throughout all subsequent layers unless specifically overridden (pkgdown, n.d.a). The form of ggplot is:
ggplot(data = df, mapping = aes(x,y, other aesthetics), …)
Examples below use ggplot to explore the exposure data.
# data argument passes the data frame to be visualised
# mapping argument defines a list of aesthetics for the visualisation - all subsequent layers use those unless overridden
# typically, the dependent variable is mapped onto the the y-axis and the independent variable is mapped onto the x-axis.
ggplot(data=df_sample, mapping=aes(x=age, y=sum_assured)) + # the '+' adds the layer below
# add subsequent visualisation layers, e.g. geom_point() for scatterplot
geom_point() +
# add a layer to change axis labels
# could add a layer to specify axis limits with ylim() and xlim()
labs(x="Age", y="Sum assured", title = "Sum Assured by age")
The aesthetics input has a number of different options, for example x and y (axes), colour, size, fill, labels, alpha (transparency), shape, line type/ width. You can change the aesthetics of each layer or default to the base layer. You can change the general look and feel of charts with a themes layer e.g. colour palette (see more in the next section).
You can add more layers to the base plot, for example
A note on overlapping points: these can be adjusted for by adding noise and transparency to your points:
Or alternatively count overlapping points with geom_count().
A full list of layers is available here.
ggplot(data=df_sample, aes(x=age, y=sum_assured)) +
geom_point() +
# separate overlapping points
geom_jitter(alpha = 0.2, width = 0.2) +
# add a smoothing line
geom_smooth(method = "glm", se=FALSE)
You can add a themes layer to your graph (pkgdown, n.d.b), for example
Other packages like ggthemes carry many more options. Example of added themes layer below. See also these examples these examples from ggthemes.
# add an occupation group to the data
df_sample <- df_sample %>% mutate(occ_group = factor(case_when(occupation %in% c("white","prof","sed") ~ "WC", TRUE ~ "BC")))
# vary colour by occupation
ggplot(data=df_sample, aes(x=age, y=sum_assured, color=occ_group)) +
# jitter and fit a smoothed line as below
geom_jitter(alpha = 0.2, width = 0.2) +
geom_smooth(method = "glm", se=FALSE) +
# add labels
labs(x="Age", y="Sum assured", title = "Sum Assured by age") +
# adding theme and colour palette layers
theme_pander() + scale_color_gdocs()
ggplot does not cater to 3D visualisations, but this can be done through plotly simply.
plot_base <- plot_ly(data=df_sample, z= ~sum_assured, x= ~age, y=~policy_year, opacity=0.6) %>%
add_markers(color = ~occ_group,colors= c("blue", "red"), marker=list(size=2))
# show graph
We can add a modeled outcome to the 3D chart. For detail on the model fit, see later sections.
# to add a plane we need to define the points on the plane. To do that, we first create a grid of x and y values, where x and y are defined as earlier.
x_grid <- seq(from = min(df_sample$age), to = max(df_sample$age), length = 50)
y_grid <- seq(from = min(df_sample$policy_year), to = max(df_sample$policy_year), length = 50)
# create a simple model and extract the coefficient estimates
coeff_est <- glm(sum_assured ~ age + policy_year + occ_group,family="gaussian",data=df_sample) %>% coef()
# extract fitted values for z - here we want fitted values for BC and WC separately, use levels to determine how the model orders the factor occ_group
fitted_values_BC <- crossing(y_grid, x_grid) %>% mutate(z_grid = coeff_est[1] + coeff_est[2]*x_grid + coeff_est[3]*y_grid)
fitted_values_WC <- crossing(y_grid, x_grid) %>% mutate(z_grid = coeff_est[1] + coeff_est[2]*x_grid + coeff_est[3]*y_grid + coeff_est[4])
# convert to matrix
z_grid_BC <- fitted_values_BC %>% pull(z_grid) %>% matrix(nrow = length(x_grid)) %>% t()
z_grid_WC <- fitted_values_WC %>% pull(z_grid) %>% matrix(nrow = length(x_grid)) %>% t()
# define solid colours for the two planes/ surfaces
colorscale_BC = list(c(0, 1), c("red", "red"))
colorscale_WC = list(c(0, 1), c("blue", "blue"))
# use plot base created above, add a surface for BC sum assureds and WC sum assureds
plot_base %>%
add_surface(x = x_grid, y = y_grid, z = z_grid_BC, showscale=FALSE, colorscale=colorscale_BC) %>%
add_surface(x = x_grid, y = y_grid, z = z_grid_WC, showscale=FALSE, colorscale=colorscale_WC) %>%
# filtering sum assured on a narrower range
layout(scene = list(zaxis = list(range=c(4000,12000))))
Consider claim vs no claim. should be close to nil overlapping clams. actual claim rate is ~0.003-0.005.
inc_count_acc 0 1
0 596750 2087
1 1163 0
Plotting claim vs no claim by age and sex:
# use ggplot to plot inc_count_sick by age and sex; using df_sample from earlier
# clearly all of the points are going to be at 0 or 1 and will overlap at each age -> not useful.
df_sample %>% ggplot(aes(x=age,y=inc_count_sick,color=sex)) +
geom_point() +
theme_pander() + scale_color_gdocs()
As above but add some random noise around the points to separate them:
df_sample %>% ggplot(aes(x=age,y=inc_count_sick,color=sex)) +
geom_point(position=position_jitter(height=0.1)) +
theme_pander() + scale_color_gdocs()
As above but excluding unknown sex and adding a smoothing line:
# as above but excluding unknown sex (as there are very few claims observed for that group) and adding a smoothing line (setting method as glm)
# because the claim rate is so low, the smoothed line is very close to zero and so not a particularly useful visualisation.
df_sample %>% filter(sex != "u") %>% ggplot(aes(x=age,y=inc_count_sick,color=sex)) +
geom_point(position=position_jitter(height=0.1)) +
geom_smooth(method="glm", method.args = list(family = "binomial")) + # or list(family = binomial(link='logit')
theme_pander() + scale_color_gdocs()
Looking at total count of claim rather than just sickness shows a slight trend by age:
df_sample %>% filter(sex != "u") %>% ggplot(aes(x=age,y=inc_count_tot,color=sex)) +
geom_point(position=position_jitter(height=0.1)) +
geom_smooth(method="glm", method.args = list(family = "binomial")) + # or list(family = binomial(link='logit')
theme_pander() + scale_color_gdocs()
Consider claim rate:
# given the actual count of claims is so low, it might be more useful to consider the claim rate
# use the manipulation methods from earlier to get claim rates by age and sex for accident and sickness; filter out unknown sex and age with low exposure
# this shows a clear trend by age for males and females
df_grouped <- df %>% filter(sex != "u", between(age, 30,60)) %>% group_by(age,sex) %>% summarise(total_sick=sum(inc_count_sick),total_acc=sum(inc_count_acc), exposure=n(),.groups = 'drop') %>%
mutate(sick_rate = total_sick/exposure, acc_rate = total_acc/exposure)
# used ggplot to graph the results
df_grouped %>%
ggplot(aes(x=age,y=sick_rate,color=sex)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line() +
# add a smoothing line
geom_smooth(method = 'glm',se=FALSE) +
# add labels and themes
labs(x="Age", y="sick rate", title = "Sickness rate by age") +
theme_pander() + scale_color_gdocs()
We can split the graph above into a few tiles to show the rates by other explanatory variables like occupation using facet_wrap; see also “facet_grid”. Can use grid.arrange(plot_1,plot_2, plot_3) from the pdp package to arrange unrelated pplot items.
# as above, but adding occupation
df_grouped <- df %>% filter(sex != "u", between(age, 30,60)) %>% group_by(age,sex,occupation) %>% summarise(total_sick=sum(inc_count_sick),total_acc=sum(inc_count_acc), exposure=n(),.groups = 'drop') %>% mutate(sick_rate = total_sick/exposure, acc_rate = total_acc/exposure)
df_grouped %>%
# used ggplot to graph the results
ggplot(aes(x=age,y=sick_rate,color=sex)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line() +
# add a smoothing line
geom_smooth(method = 'glm',se=FALSE) +
labs(x="Age", y="sick rate", title = "Sickness rate by age, occupation") +
theme_pander() + scale_color_gdocs() +
facet_wrap(~occupation, ncol=2, nrow=3)
Consider sickness rate by occupation:
df_grouped %>%
# used ggplot to graph the results
ggplot(aes(x=occupation,y=sick_rate)) +
geom_boxplot(outlier.colour="black", outlier.shape=16, outlier.size=2, notch=FALSE)+
# add a smoothing line
labs(x="Age", y="sick rate", title = "Sickness rate by age, occupation") +
theme_pander() + scale_color_gdocs() +
facet_wrap(~sex, ncol=2, nrow=3)